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New-look square gets first slab
The first slab in Nottingham's new look Market Square was laid on Saturday.
Hayley Westenra

The slab was lifted by a special machine and manoeuvered into position by New Zealand singer Hayley Westenra. The paving as a type of granite called Crystal Azul chosen for its durability, high-quality finish and aesthetic suitability for its surroundings. Nottingham City Council said the square's £7m makeover, including a new water feature, should be complete by mid-November. After laying the slab, 18-year-old Hayley Westenra, who was due to perform at Nottingham Arena on Saturday evening, entertained the crowds with a rendition of "amazing Grace" from the Council House balcony. The new design will include pit foundations for future Christmas trees.

The square will be closed to the public for a year while the work is completed.

Source: news.bbc
Credits: Article located by George (forum member) who attended the Nottingham concert.
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