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2 April 2006
Avril Cadden

You always get compared to Charlotte Church because you are a classical singer. How does that feel?

I don't mind, I expect it. People want to pigeonhole you and when I was starting out she was the only female classical singer my age, so it was an obvious comparison to make. I've met her and she's lovely and I think it's great she's following her heart in what she's doing.

Would you follow her into mainstream pop?

I'm pretty happy with what I'm doing at the moment. It's not that I dislike that kind of music - I love everything - but what gives me the most enjoyment singing live is somewhere between classical and pop. It's where I feel most comfortable and I think it's important to stick with what you are good at.

You've been on tour with II Divo. What's that been like?

It's been so much fun. I've really enjoyed it but it's a gruelling schedule. I thought I was going to be completely exhausted. The Il Divo guys are lovely and friendly. The whole team are great.

People say I'm so lucky touring with all these lovely guys but you miss female company after a while.

Are you looking forward to playing in Scotland with them at Glasgow's SECC on April 6 and 7?

I've been to Edinburgh and Glasgow a few times. They are beautiful cities. I'm looking forward to it and performing to great audiences. I like Scotland, it reminds me of my home, New Zealand. I think England and Scotland have the same relationship as Australia and New Zealand. And I have a bit of Scottish blood in me, so maybe that's got something to do with it. It's from my mother's side of the family and one of my great, great, great grand-parents was Scottish. I should brush up on my history.

You've played some big gigs in Scotland before. What was it like singing at Celtic Park before their Champions League clash with Bayern Munich in 2003?

It was great. My manager is a huge Celtic fan and I've become a huge fan as well. I've seen them a couple of times on TV and I get all the updates quite regularly. I would love to see them play in Glasgow.

You've played to some big crowds in rugby and football stadiums. Do you get nervous?

I find that the bigger the crowd, the more energy they give off for me to thrive on. They create an atmosphere I enjoy. It's a lot harder performing in front of a small group and close friends.

You are only 18 - do you miss doing normal teenage stuff?

I miss my friends and family. But most of the time I'm so focused with what I'm doing. I just immerse in the music and in my shows. It would be nice to have a little bit more of a social life but you can't have it all.

Source : sunday mail
Credits : Article located by Steve Hayter.
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