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Toast festival attracts thousands
Thousands of ex-pats throng Regent's Park in London to sample wine and food from home at the annual Toast festival

Big crowds of ex-patriates have turned out for a showcase of the best in New Zealand food and song at the Toast festival in London.

The hot sun sent temperatures into the mid-20s with a refreshing breeze wafting through as 8,000 New Zealanders and a handful of curious others flocked to Regent's Park.

It is an annual chance for kiwis to sample the tastes and sounds of home as they work through their OE.

Dave Dobbyn and Hayley Westenra have performed on stage while crowds have lined up for a drop or two from the vineyards of Marlborough and Hawke's Bay.

They have also indulged in lamb, mussels, confectionery and even the humble steak and cheese pie.

One of those on his OE, Julian Ashworth of Auckland, says it is an event to be looked forward to on the social calendar.

Ross Stanley of Hawke's Bay says it is an annual pilgrimage that is well worth the effort.

He is especially pleased jandals have been encouraged at this year's event.

© 2006 NZCity, NewsTalkZB - 16 July 2006
jon vosloo mail.yahoo.com
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