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20040328 - 4 - The PURE Tour 2004 - Sunday, 28th March
Pure Magic

Above: The audience wait patiently for the show to begin

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All images on this page were captured by the Webmaster on his trusty Fuji Finepix S602Z digital camera. Fully automatic setings were engaged to ensure optimal image quality was achieved. Even so, I could have done with setting the ISA rating to maximum! Mine was not the only Fuji there either, 602's were used by Keith S. and Gareth K. too.

The band strike up and the programme begins
Hayley once again was again in fine voice.
Hayley left the stage, making way for the first of her guests, welsh singer, Katherine Jenkins
And later still, sister Sophie and brother Isaac
During the interval we were thrilled to meet Holly Holyoake, her Mum Trixie, and father Craig
Hayley's second guest and fellow countryman, Brandon Pou

There were more songs to come from Katherine, this time more formally dressed

The Platinum Presentation


Hayley and Brandon Pou... The finalé... Sophie, Katherine, Hayley, Brandon and Isaac


Katherine was eager to sign her autograph
Waiting outside the backstage entrance of St. David's Hall, at my request Holly kindly gave us a wonderful a-capella rendition of ‘O mio babbino caro’ This was all the more impressive since it was in response to a spur of the moment request, she had no time to warm up, and took only a few seconds to ask with her Mum which of her many favourites she should sing. Despite this, her voice was strong and clear as a bell... Thank you Holly, you were truly fantastic!
More autograph signing, and yet again, it was for us! Thank you too, Hayley.

The two girls, having just a single year between them, got along fine... All-in-all, it had been a wonderful and unforgettable evening. Our small group left St. David's Hall that night with very broad smiles and many wonderful memories to cherish.

HWI would like to take this opportunity to extend their thanks to everyone involved in ensuring this show was such a resounding success. Singers and technicians, managers and theatre staff alike.

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Some of these images are brought to you thanks to www.hayleywestenra.com
Copyright Decca/Universal Music Group UK Ltd., Jill Westenra, and others where noted.

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