Hayley: I think, going around to the schools for example, that U.S. kids and audiences in general are so enthusiastic. Just U.S. people in general, what I like about Americans is that they are so enthusiastic and they are like so supportive, really. I talk to them and they are so excited for me. I think the U.K. and the Kiwis are a little more reserved. Even though I am a Kiwi, you guys still support me. It is really nice.
TeenMusic: People are saying you are responsible for bringing back classical music as far as popularity. Do you feel like that is a lot of responsibility?
Hayley: I don’t really think about that aspect of it. I am just excited about the fact that people are enjoying my music. A lot of people say ‘I really don’t listen to this sort of music but hey, it is really cool’. Also children listening to pop music might pick up my CD, be inspired by it and think ‘I could do this’ and ‘this is kind of cool’.
TeenMusic: Would you like to be more of a crossover artist going into pop? Are you happy with where you are with your singing or would you want to change your style?
Hayley: I am happy. I do still want to continue exploring different styles and some of the poppy styles and some of the more classical styles. Generally I am pretty happy having my foot in both doors.
TeenMusic: What qualities would you look for in a boyfriend? (at this point I glance over at her dad who is still ironing but with a smile on his face).
Hayley: First of all, someone who is sensitive but also someone who can make me laugh. Someone who is quick and witty always helps. I guess just someone who is just sensitive and aware of others. Loyal is good too, and good looking. People like to think it is the inside that matters but you do have to find them attractive.
TeenMusic: So your grandparents all sang in some way or another, right?
Hayley: Yeah, my nanna was a great singer and my Granddad could play almost any instrument by ear. So they would go around and entertain at hotels and pubs.
TeenMusic: With all this musical background what was played when you were growing up? What was around the house?
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My mom was really into alternative music like. I think she liked Sheryl Crow and Melissa Etheridge. There is a singer Heather Nova that she really liked. She is like a Bermudan artist. They also put on classical music to try and get me to sleep. So I did hear some classical music. I think it was when I started to learn the violin and the piano and also when I went to ballet as well, they played classical music.